Trustee services

What are trustee services?

Your business may have a workplace pension scheme entirely managed by an insurer or investment manager, what’s known as a contract scheme. Or it may be overseen by trustees, representing both the employer and employees. This is a trust-based scheme and we can help you run it.

Traditionally, trustees who govern defined benefit pension schemes also shared their expertise by taking on the newer workplace schemes. That means they also have legal, regulatory, compliance and communication responsibilities.

Pensions with purpose

Trustees bring know-how and experience to the task of making the company pension a valuable benefit but they face multiplying challenges. Even the most seasoned pension trustees find shifting regulation, increased complexity and economic pressures tough to balance. Our pension trustee service helps trustee boards to navigate these threats to the central purpose of the scheme: a pension worth having.

Positive support

Governance is probably the most over-used word in pensions because it’s one of the most important. It’s a catch-all term to describe the management and monitoring of a scheme to make sure it all points in the same, ultimate direction: in the best interests of its members. Simple in principle but much harder in practice when it comes to facing regulatory, economic, business and cost pressures.

There’s very little our consultants will not have dealt with before. They can do the same for you.

Holistic help

Independence is in our DNA and we always balance the employer’s needs with those of the scheme members. Taking the right steps with your workplace pension scheme leads to better value for money and greater employee appreciation, as well as greater efficiency. Here, our objectivity can add real value.

Helping improve member engagement

A global construction company in the UK realised that, despite being a high-quality pension arrangement, their pension scheme wasn’t being valued and there appeared to be low engagement from employees.

Find out how we helped the trustees turn that around:

How we do it

What we can achieve together

Risk - are you prepared?

As a pension trustee, if you aren't dealing with your statutory governance requirements and The Pensions Regulator investigates, it could mean both a fine and damage to your sponsoring company's reputation.

Do you want to run that risk?

We can help you meet your requirements, so you can ensure your risk is minimised.

Cost - time is a finite resource

Running a pension scheme well is time-consuming. Each year it takes many hours of meeting time, and adviser time, to arrive at a well-run pension arrangement.

Can we help you deliver this?

Or can we help you rethink your pension framework to make it more manageable?

Get in touch

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Our team are always happy to help.

If you have a query for us, just fill out the short form and we'll be in touch.

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Related resource

Trustee consulting case study

How we helped a trustee client with their scheme governance

Read the case study